Thursday, July 17, 2008

Educational crossword Clues ....Thematic crosswords!

(Posted sometimes back in my other blog )


1. A ‘crazy’ ten to catch……….NET
2. A slangy professional carrying a heavy weight is charged positively….PROTON
3. A river…or something in a garden….FLOWER
4. ‘endless’ FEW ,hard metal…… FE is for IRON
5. It turns red or blue in testing conditions….LITMUS

More: (with explanations)
1. A HEARTLESS CEO is very dangerous……….now ‘heartless’ on surface means cruel….but if you are out of box….then heartless CEO could mean CO ….as ‘E’ is the heart of the word CEO…..
….so the answer would be CO….or…carbon monoxide….which is a dangerous gas !

2. SAG strangely….and it is formless….
'strangely’ is a clue….that means SAG has to be rearranged……to become GAS………which is formless……

3. RIM in a way… a diagnostic test….
this one is quite simple….RIM in a way is MRI ; Magnetic Resonance Indexing….which is a diagnostic test !

4. mad STREEX puts pressure
….now one has not only to be out of box….but grammatically correct as well !
….so ‘mad’ STREEX is EXERTS…..which is…..puts pressure !

5. diamond essentially is a tail-less bond…after car !
….a tail-less bond is bon……as ‘d’ is the tail….. after car….bon would be….

Carbon !!!
…………more soon !

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